

There are around 100 publishers in Tartu, including big publishing houses and small publishers . In the recent years several micro-publishers, mostly established by writers, have also entered the scene enriching the book market .

Ilmamaa publishes the series of Eesti mõttelugu (Estonian History of Thought), original poetry, prose, and essay compilations; and has also published several works from the series of Avatud Eesti Raamat (Open Estonian Book) from among the classics of the Western cultural and social thought – e. g. the translation of Oswald Spengler’s The Decline of the West in two volumes.


Tartu Ülikooli Kirjastus (University of Tartu Press) publishes mostly research and academic literature from the University of Tartu, including periodicals of literary studies Methis and Interlitteraria, but also the series entitled Kaasaegne mõte (Contemporary Thought), Kaasaja luule (Contemporary Poetry) and Maailmakirjanduse tõlkevaramu (Treasury of World Literature Translated) introducing the works of foreign authors.


Petrone Print is the publisher of an extremely popular Minu… (My…) series of travel books and various memoirs. The publishing house has also issued a collection of Tartu-related short stories. Petrone Print makes successful use of the e-book format and social communication networks.


Atlex is one of the leading publishers of books but has also published fiction, especially German authors (Daniel Kehlmann, Julia Franck, W. G. Sebald) 


Fantaasia publishes both Estonian and foreign books of science fiction, fantasy, and adventure, but has also released books of poetry.


Toledo is dedicated to publishing the Estonian translations of contemporary literature written in Spanish, Portuguese and Catalan.